Case Study – Landbank Developments Consult

A brochure website to advertise and build leads for a property development consultancy in London.

web design for property development company suffolk

Project Overview

The Client

Landbank Developments Consult is a property investment development consultancy that targets the regeneration of the London inner-city commercial/brownfield property sites. They specialise in three key areas 1. unique development site acquisitions 2. adding value on site acquisitions 3. selling or developing land with planning permission. Their head office is based in Shoreditch, London.

The Challenge

Andy from Landbank DC came to us looking for a brand new website design and business hosting package. He wanted a design that came across as professional and appealed to a corporate audience. The key objectives were to create a small brochure site that would advertise the business online and collect leads through a contact form. Andy also requested a map embed so that potential clients could see where their head office was based and easily get directions. The website had to be responsive across all devices, and include ‘projects’, ‘how we do it’, and ‘team’ pages so that potential clients could learn more about their business.

The Solution

After our initial client call, we were able to gain a detailed insight into the website specifications. Following this, we were able to look at similar competitor websites which the client provided in order to get an even better understanding of the sort of thing they were looking for. Then it was time to get the project underway. Firstly, we set up a hosting package using our preferred host Krystal Hosting. Following this, we migrated his existing domain and email across to the new host. Then we began to design the new site using WordPress – A content management system that makes editing web content simple.

We used the design brief and research to design a 10-page brochure website with a contact form. Having created a draft version we showed it to the client who was able to offer feedback so that we could refine the design and content, before making final amendments and publishing the site live.

The Results

It was great to work with Andy from Landbank DC. We were able to go beyond their expectations and build something amazing. We produced a professional brochure website that advertised his business and included a contact form so customers could easily get in touch. One of the briefs was that the design should appeal to a corporate audience and we were able to achieve this through slick animations, a corporate-looking colour palette, and professional fonts identified from competitors’ research.

The resulting website enabled Landbank to gain more exposure to their business which resulted in high traffic and conversions helping to grow their business. Since completing the site we have been heavily involved in ongoing maintenance, development, and technical support. You can view our maintenance packages here:

web development for property investment company Landbank developments consult Suffolk
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web development property investment company Landbank developments consult Suffolk onemanwebdesign
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Our Project Feedback

I'm absolutely gobsmacked. I just saw the website and I'm incredibly impressed. ​It was exactly what I was looking for!Thank you so much! The site represents our brand perfectly and is consistent with our message in every way.We also use Matt to take care of our site on a monthly basis and make content changes.This allows us to concentrate on running our business.